Thursday, April 21, 2011


So, now that the weather is getting warmer you see more and more bikes. Everyone seems to have a bike so I decided I should get one. There is a really nice bike shop that is connected to my building so I decided to stop in. I wasn’t really sure where I would keep the bike and I really just wanted it to get from point A to point B so I didn’t want to spend thousands of dollars, and well, these bikes were thousands of dollars. I was asking the people that worked there for the least expensive and maybe if they had any used bikes. They didn’t but they kindly pointed me across the street to a shop that was less expensive and more for the bikes with the giant baskets attached in pastel colors. This was definitely what I was looking for since I have no desire to keep up with Lance Armstrong while I’m in Korea.

I chose the least expensive used bike the guy had and he let me test it out right in the store. I was really nervous I was going to ride right into all the display bikes, but luckily I survived and told him I would take it. I said I wanted to buy a basket too so he threw in the lock for free! I got the bike, lock and basket for 60,000 Won -- not too bad! He tuned it up and attached the basket for me and I was on my way. Here’s a picture of my sweet new ride!

I caught the end of my class's violin lesson. It was probably one of the worst sounds I've heard in a while - 12 five year olds trying to learn the violin, but it was certainly worth a picture!

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